The Family Mission Statement

This week the Harvard Business Review shared their insights about a family mission statement.  I will add the link here in this email as well.

What caught my attention during this time of Covid is that they were actually pointing to something that can bring families closer, strengthen their relationships, and also give each other time to think about personal mission as well as their family mission.  

The article points towards the benefits of a family mission and why it is important to spend some time thinking about your families ‘presence’ and ‘essence’ in your home, community and the world.

We believe that when you take the time to get clear about why you are here and what you have to bring to your family, your community and those around you, that you will also begin to see your children, their children, and each family as having a significant purpose in this world.

The Path is one of the most enlightening experiences for shaping and clarifying your mission and message.  Our six week course will not only yield your purpose statement, but will also give you a new sense for how to live it out in your home and community.

We welcome you today.  Take the first step and reserve your seat!  Once you register we will add you to the Path Course Group for September 2020!  Leave the rest to us to create a Path to elevate your voice!

See you soon!  Here’s the link to register for the September Path Course


P.S.  Here’s the HBR article


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